Saturday, October 7, 2017



The neuralgic pain or facial pain occurring in the territory of a trigeminal nerve is termed as Trigeminal neuralgia.
  • Mostly idiopathic, but in some cases, an aberrant loop or artery may press on the rootlets of trigeminal nerve as they emerge from the pons.
  • Commonly in middle aged or elderly people.


  • Pain is the characteristic symptom, sharp or lancinating and radiates to the territory of one or more sensory division of a Trigeminal nerve.
  • Pain is triggered by touching, washing of face, shaving, teeth cleaning, cold breeze, eating, talking and applications of lotions and cosmetics.
  • Paroxysms of Pain last only for a few minutes but disturb the concentration of the patient.
  • If sensory loss or motor symptoms or signs accompany trigeminal neuralgia, then it is considered secondary to certain neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis and meningioma of a trigeminal nerve.


  1. Medical
  2. Surgical


  • Carbamazepine :- initial 100mg once or twice daily for a few days followed by 200-400mg 8 hourly for 2-4 weeks
  •    Phenotypic  Averagedose is 300mg(150-500mg) daily for 2-4 weeks
  •  Clonazepam 0.5-2.0mg 8 hourly may be effective as an alternative for 2-3 weeks.
  • Antidepressants such as Amitriptyline have also been found effective.


Surgical intervention is needed only when drug therapy has either failed or has produced undesirable side-effects.
Procedures are:-
  • Injection of phenol or alcohol into a trigeminal ganglion.
  • Radiofrequency coagulation of a branch of trigeminal ganglion.
  • Sectioning of sensory root of Trigeminal ganglion inside the cranium.
  • Microvascular decompression.

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